Take Your Journal Design Skills to the Next Level!

Design and publish your specialized niche journal, mash-up book or workbook easier and more beautifully than you’ve ever imagined.

Take your Basic Journal Design skills to the next level with up-to-date industry updates, advanced InDesign training for cover AND internal design, advanced marketing strategies like virtual book tours and TV appearances and so much more!

All This For Just $297 $197!

Dear Journal Author,

You may be dabbling in journal design. You may have published one, two, or even a dozen journals. Your journals may be for list making, diet and exercise, blank-page journals with cool or quirky quotes, for hobbies... BUT...

Your journals aren't quite like the ones you see in the bookstore.

Maybe you love how your books turned out, but you want to take the design to the next level. Maybe you think you have a great idea and design, but your journals aren't selling the way you want.

Maybe you're stuck on how to make YOUR journal stand out from the pack of similar journals "saturating" the market.

Journals are still (have been and always will be) a high-selling hot book style and the trend continues to grow, right now! Everything from journals for writing about your day to keeping track of life events, to managing your kids, your business and your life! But still… your ideas can be expanded upon and improved for maximum sales results.

As a well-seasoned author, artist and publishing professional, and the creator of the popular course, Journal Design Basics, I’ve been creating and watching my students soar with their own niche-specific journals.

And I've been watching others make some HUGE credibility-destroying and sales-damaging rookie mistakes.

Since journals became so popular after I initially taught Journal Design Basics, journals have begun to flood the market.

And market flooding means the cream of the crop will stand out from the pack.

NOTE: This is NOT a cheap $27 PDF that's going to give you 8 steps and a few links to resources you can easily find in an Internet search!

This is a look-over-my-shoulder step-by-step full in-depth training course... to show you how to enhance your journal design and marketing strategy for the best possible sales results!

How much would you invest in a live, step-by-step design, layout, and marketing course for this exploding book publishing niche? (You’ll be surprised at the answer!)

In this course I will teach YOU exactly how to design and market these amazing books yourselfeven full-color interior books... without the high cost of hiring expensive book designers. I don’t want to just throw a bunch of facts together or share some good theories! What I promise to do is put into your hands the know-how to turn around and design your own super high-quality competitive journal… immediately!

In fact, I will personally design a full-color interior journal from scratch in less than TWO DAYS right in front of your eyes! You get the benefit of all the training, experience, research and know-how that comes with my well over 20 years of experience designing books. Skip to the head of the class and be prepared to design your own beautiful journal by the end of this training experience!


Advanced Journal Design

This “Advanced Journal Design” course is a LIVE in-depth training course taught over 5 jam-packed sessions on Friday February 19th and Saturday February 20th!

Every session includes power-packed training sessions, look-over-Kristen's-shoulder demonstrations and LIVE QnA opportunities at the end of each training session.

In this ADVANCED level Journal Design training you will find...

  • SESSION 1: How to make your Journal stand OUT from the pack: Industry updates, what's happening RIGHT NOW and the steps you must take to be a profitable journal publisher!
  • SESSION 2: Novice to PRO Journal Book Cover Design: Mistakes to avoid in cover design, copyright issues and WHY your journals might not be selling as well as you hoped. (Includes complete ADVANCED cover design InDesign demo!)
  • SESSION 3: Advanced Interior Journal Design: InDesign training and demonstrations including how to make your own backgrounds, making it EASY to write inside them, using transparency, borders and frames and "fancier" effects! (And keep your branding intact for better customer experience.)
  • SESSION 4: Advanced Marketing: Get your Journals on TV, in bookstores, create and run your own virtual book tour and more!
  • SESSION 5: Advanced Platform DEVELOPMENT: With our own Elise, CBNC and copywriter extraordinaire -- Maximize your production while Minimizing your Effort -- Blog, social media and JOURNAL content that pulls in buyers automatically, back cover and book blurb optimizing for maximum brand growth, and much, much more!

Your special investment for ALL this high-content step-by-step instruction (including downloadable transcripts with screen shots) is ONLY $197!

I could easily charge over $397 or more for this course... This is your top-secret invite to take advantage of this special!

With your registration today you will receive:

  • Access to all FIVE LIVE Training Sessions with lifetime access to ALL the recordings (video/audio) and transcripts… forever! (Worth WAY MORE than your investment in this course.)
  • Enhanced Summary Transcripts of EVERY Session (Priceless! *Available a few weeks after the live course is completed.)
  • Exclusive access to our accountability Facebook group for ongoing support, encouragement and feedback after the course.

All This For Just $297 $197!

Grab Your Spot TODAY!

yes let me in

This course will NOT duplicate content in Journal Design Basics and therefore will not include much how-to publishing training. If you don't currently have Journal Design Basics, you can add it at an exclusive special discount on the checkout page.

Just look at the DOZENS of journals your fellow students have published in this WILD unboxing video!  This is proof... you CAN do this too!

 The Advanced Journal Design Course is broken down into 5 Sessions with 5 corresponding recorded QnA segments


Session One -- Build Upon the Basics

Session Two -- Advanced Cover Design

Session Three -- Advanced Interior Layout and Design

Session Four -- Advanced Journal Marketing

Session Five -- Advanced Platform Development


Unsolicited Excitement from your Fellow Classmates!

Still thinking of Kristen's idea of a series... I have two books published in a very niche corner and just came up with FIVE journals I could do to tie into the books! Love this training!

Laura De La Cruz

Thank you Kristen for sharing your passion, wisdom and most of all your skills and resources! I am motivated to FINALLY write my first book in the form of a journal. Thank you for giving me the inspiration and now motivation to do something on my own!

Sandy Rogers

Whew! I’m exhausted and jazzed!! What a terrific course! Kristen, you are awesome, and I’m stoked about getting my project designed and out there. Thank you for the info and kick-in-the-seat to get my project off the ground. 

Katy Pye

Kristen Joy, Thank you, Thank you - for training sessions jam-packed with usable information. I came into this class wanting to learn how to create journals and came out with a plan to set up my own publishing company, preview knowledge of publishing software, and new group of writing peers. You delivered above and beyond my expectations. Your homework assignments meshed with the flow of ceative ideas and we also came out with plans for projects. Your class delivered quality material plus a mind-set change. Thanks again. Wishing you Abundant Blessings in your future.

Lana Jackson

Love it Kristen! I have taken tons of similar courses over the years (not for journals of course) and you surpassed them all in content, delivery and took motivation to a whole new level. I cannot thank you enough for that. Because of you, I will have my journal off to the printers as soon as the few people finished reviewing for me. Thanks again for EVERYTHING! You my friend are an angel. 

Kaitlyn Storm

Kristen has been a great help since I found out about her. To call her a "Fountain of Knowledge" doesn't do her justice. She is the reason I went from publishing one book on Kindle to 7 in a years time.

Ronald Nutter

Kristen's positive energy, keep-it-real approach and ability to cut through the extraneous and hone in on the key elements is a true gift! I'm tickled to be orbiting her planet!

Christy M. Johnson


Due to the Instant and LIFETIME Access you receive to this high value training and accompanying bonus trainings, there are no refunds on this product.