Authors: Ready to learn the advanced publishing secrets that take your books from published to sold?
Cut Out "The Middle Man!" ...and learn the ninja secrets to successfully get your book on bookstore shelves!
Becoming a profitable book publisher... of your own books or even of other's books, Kindle, Print, Journals and more!
It's easier than you think!
Think of it as a graduate course in building your own uber-successful, independent & flourishing Publishing Company!
Grab Lifetime Access for ONLY $997 $497
I've started over 50 publishing companies and published well over 200 books and eBooks....
So I know a thing or two about book publishing. You may have heard my story before... How I published 18 books in 18 weeks on Kindle. But that is truly just the middle of my story. Before I ever published on Kindle I'd already built many publishing companies, published many best selling books with/for my clients and helped others build their own successful entrepreneur businesses around their writing and publishing.
Here are some of the superstars I've worked with...
Business Coach Adds $7,500 to His Bottom Line... with ONLY 100 Book Sales!
Math geek and all around great instructor, Bob the Teacher Jenkins independently published his first book, Take Action! Revise Later using the tools I teach you in this course. As a direct result of using this book as a gateway to his coaching programs, live events, and online marketing courses, he discovered that for every 100 $17 books he sells, he averages a profit of at least $7,500!
First-Time Independent Author Lands Major Book Deal
As a direct result from publishing the book Dr. Mommy's Life Lessons through her own publishing company, Dr. Daisy Sutherland received a message from a publicist of a major traditional publishing house with a traditional publishing contract author. They told her they wanted her as one of their mainstream authors because she independently published her first book the "right" way. Not only did she receive a lucrative traditional publishing contract, but her success since catapulted into a nationally-acclaimed speaker and expert... And it all started with one little independently published book!
Real Estate Investor Creates Jobs for the Local Economy
Karen Rittenhouse independently published her books with the tools I’ll teach you in this program. Since publishing, she has held multiple book signings at Barnes & Noble and her business has skyrocketed to the point she’s had to double her office space and add more employees. As direct result of publishing her books and increasing her credibility, she’s been able to create jobs in her local economy, impacting hundreds of lives!
Why a publishing course?
You asked... and I listened!
Literally hundreds of questions have come in by email, private Facebook messages and posts in my Facebook groups on exactly HOW to take published Kindle, print or Journal books to the NEXT level.
The easiest way to sell a book is to sell another book... or two... or three!
And the easiest way to guarantee your own success is to BE the publisher and not rely on a middle man.
Every time I release a new Kindle book or Journal, I make substantial sales for all the other e-books in the series... even other unrelated published books I've authored. All the books I've published automatically sell the other books. How? Because I'M the publisher. I'M in control. And *I* can do whatever the heck I want to write, publish and market my books!
It's the easiest way to become an ongoing best-selling author!
...and the ONLY way to keep your freedom intact.
Not only am I now a recurring best-selling author with no strings attached to anyone or any company, but this has freed me up to:
- Do whatever interviews I wish, whenever I wish, for whomever I wish.
- Publish any book I want, when I want, and where I want.
- Be a publisher for other authors in whatever form I wish, whether that's as a service provider, consultant or traditional publisher. (I've done it all!)
- Share MY message the exact way I want without a middle man dictating what I can and can't do.
- Make a BOATLOAD of money through book sales, services and more... and grow my business beyond what I ever imagined was possible!
I started out with less than $1,000/month in my business thanks to turning my part-time job into a client. (If it weren't for that client, I would have started at $0!) In less than four years, thanks to being my own publisher and consultant for others, I grew my company to a quarter of a million dollars a YEAR. Becoming your own biggest fan and your own BEST distributor-expert is the best way to get your message to your audience AND help others spread their knowledge and experiences!
Are you ready to...
- Get your journal or book out to a BIG audience?
- Create profitable income streams from journals, Kindle or print books?
- Maximize your new (or experienced) author experience by publishing others books/journals?
- Set up your Publishing business (for yourself or others) for a great income without investing in unnecessary "tools" ?
- Skip all the pitfalls other so-called publishers or publishing "gurus" fall into, costing them thousands?
Beyond Profitability!
The creativity I've seen flow through my Kindle in 30 Challenge and Journal Design Basics students never ceases to amaze me! Still, I've been seeing dozens of questions on the business of publishing successful books... not just beautiful, well-written and professionally designed books, but books that go on to anchor successful businesses, magnify significant messages and reach big audiences.
And the truth is... this is where it gets really fun! Now I have the chance to share the strategy and blow-by-blow ninja tricks I've discovered to take awesome books and journals into bookstores and beyond for myself and my clients... this is where the momentum really takes off!
I can almost hear you saying, "Can I really do this? Isn't this the "big leagues" of authorpreneuring?"
Here's the TRUTH:
- If you've already written a Kindle Book or outlined a Journal you are almost a publisher already!
- If you want anyone to buy your book, you've GOT to become a distribution/marketing expert... quick!
- If you want anyone to READ your book, they'll need to BUY it!
- If you want to make money with your writing (or with other's writing), learning from a REAL publishing expert who's made hundreds of thousands of dollars in this industry is the smartest choice you could possibly make this year!
- And finally, you can't afford NOT to become your own publisher!
My answer is, YES!
This is the "Big Leagues," BUT... that means this is where the kids are separated from the grown ups.
THIS is where your hobby becomes a business and momentum can take off in your bank account!
Your classmates are saying...
"OMG Crazy scary wonderful information! EVERYTHING you wanted/needed to know about becoming a self-published author for starters, then becoming a full-fledged publisher of OTHER authors! Everything is included, from pricing suggestions, to contracts, to recommended resources, downloadable contracts and letters - I received FAR MORE than the price of the course! Worth every penny - and a whole lot more! (I almost feel like I cheated to get THAT much information at such a reasonable price!)"
Wanda Bailey
Dragon Gem Publishing / Mommy Wises Up
"Unbeatable training for two reasons: Kristen's huge experience with publishing and her ability to explain the complex publishing chain in an easy-to-grasp way."
Thomas P Buehner
"Learning from Kristen has always been entertaining and educational and her new ‘Book Publishing Ninja’ course was no exception. I was eager to learn how to take my business to the next level and boy was I surprised at just how much more I would learn. Her reputation for over-delivering did not disappoint. "
JanMarie Kelly
Whether you want to be a super-succesful self-publisher of your own Kindle and/or print books OR you are ready to become a profitable publisher of others' writing or artistic masterpieces, this course answers ALL your "How did you DO that?" questions!
Here's what you'll learn in this course:
If your book and publishing company don’t stand out from the crowd, your life as an authorpreneur will be over before it’s had the chance to start!
In this session we’ll cover:
- What IS branding? Why is it important? How does it apply to your book?
- How to decide on a brand.
- What colors to use, when to use them, and where.
- How to EASILY create a custom logo using FREE tools and look like a "real" publisher to book buyers.
- Clear the fog around DBAs, Imprints and other confusing business terms... what do you REALLY need?
- What to do about a website for you as an author, your book and/or your company. Do you even need one?
- How to make your book - and business - stand out from the crowd. Be noticed!
- And MORE!
There are dozens of little steps required to stepping from part-time small stuff to income-generating publisher. Check off each of the important steps we’ll cover in this session and be sure to maximize your success!
In this session we’ll cover:
- ISBNs - What they are, what to get, where to get them, why to get your own, and more!
- Sales Tax Permits - Do you really need one?
- Business Licenses - Do you need to LLC? Sole Proprietor? What’s the difference? Why should you care?
- Printers - Which printer is best from the eyes of a “publisher?” Why? How do you get an account?
- Library of Congress - How can you get a Library of Congress CIP number? Is it necessary? (USA only)
- Copyright - What are the various forms of copyright? Is my work copyrighted if I print with CreateSpace or IngramSpark? How do I file copyright? (USA only for filing portion)
- And MORE!
The only way I was able to turn my publishing business into a six-figure business was to not “go it alone.” Sure, I’ve been a professional editor, book designer and publisher. But I quickly learned that the best way to make REAL money in this business is to find others to help you.
In this session we’ll cover:
- Why you need a team… what will they do for you?
- How to find good quality team members.
- The warning signs you’re about to get ripped off (yes, it’s happened to me, too)… and how to stop it before it gets out of control.
- Contracts - When do you need them, what should they say?
- How to track projects and manage your team.
- My personal ninja team management “weapon.”
- And MORE!
What is the best format for your book, Kindle or paperback? What about other e-book formats such as PDF and EPUB? Which is most likely to sell more copies? Should you do both? What about distribution? How do you get into bookstores and other retail outlets.
These questions and more will be answered in this session as we cover:
- Multiple book formats and which books require what formats.
- How to be strategic with different book formats to increase your book sales.
- How to make it crazy easy for bookstores and retailers to find and buy your book.
- An advanced ninja strategy for more bookstore sales. (USA only)
- How to get into Libraries.
- How to pre-sell your book on your own website… and when not to.
- And of course, much more!
The biggest difference between self-publishing and being a “real” publisher is how much money is continually being deposited into your bank account. Self-publishing means being an author and either hiring a services company to handle your book or doing it all your “self.” Being a “real” publisher means taking the industry by storm and not only publishing your own books in a way that they’ll stand out from the rest, but make money publishing and selling others’ books as well - and helping them spread their messages to the world and reach their dreams!
In this most important of all sessions we’ll cover:
- How to publish other people’s books.
- Customer contracts, packages and how to set it all up.
- How exactly I built my multi-six-figure business in publishing (during a recession when publishing was a “luxury” item!).
- The different publishing company models, including my signature “ghost publishing” option.
- How to determine which publishing model is right for you.
- And so much MORE!
This is the "My Business in a Box" session and worth WAY more than the course investment all on its own.
It's my EXACT formula for building multiple successful publishing companies and it's Top Secret material I've NEVER shared before.
I'm FINALLY letting it all out just for YOU!
Take Action Today!
What is an investment in your
credibility & success worth to you?
credibility & success worth to you?
Even though I’m really going over board with the value here, I’m still only going to require a small investment to happily involve you in all this stuff that will make your life-long dream of being a published series author come true. See, I’m not some fancy pants marketing person, so I don’t really have the confidence to jack the price up and try to “maximize profits.” Instead, I figure that if I just gave you a lot of good stuff for a reasonable investment, we’d both win.
My time is valued at over $400 per hour (yes, people actually pay that!) and you’re going to get my exclusive publishing knowledge and experience for just $497 total! (You must click the button to see YOUR rock-bottom investment!)
There's No Reason to Wait...
BONUS #1: My PERSONAL Contracts & Important Documents
(Save hundreds of hours of research,
attorney's fees and angst!)
attorney's fees and angst!)
Don’t know what angst is? Ever wake up with a “bad hair day” and you can’t make it do what you want and you try everything – blow-drying it, curling it, wetting it again (am I burning my hair?) until finally you fall to the floor sobbing and thinking strongly about just shaving it all off and putting it (your hair) out of its misery.
That’s angst. I can’t do anything about your hair, but with this bonus I don’t see why you would ever feel angst about contracts with potential customers!
The Contract & Document Bonus Bundle includes:
- NDA Agreement I use for my independent contractors (aka: Team).
- Illustration contract I've used to hire illustrators and be hired by authors.
- My PERSONAL attorney-reviewed "Big Daddy Package" done-for-you publishing contract signed by dozens of my clients.
- My PERSONAL royalty reports for my authors in MS Excel format along with a how-to video of how I use them and pay my authors.
- The right to use ANY of these contracts and documents for your own personal or business use, as-is or with modifications. (Note: You do not have the right to give away, share or sell these documents.)
BONUS #2: Even MORE Important Docs
(For a total of over 20 different documents!)
As I was putting together the bonus pack for you, I came across even MORE documents to add to your bundle. My goal is to set you up with EVERYTHING you'll need to be fully prepared for success!
BONUS #3: Members' Favorite Private Forum!
By far our members’ favorite part of ANY course I teach is the course-exclusive anytime accountability and support group on Facebook.
Use this group to get ongoing support from your peers with:
- Answering questions about the trainings. (Like, "Where did I see that?")
- Brainstorming branding, registrations and other nit-picky business details. (You don't need to stumble in the dark anymore!)
- Help from me personally as you have ongoing questions about the publishing business.
- Moral support if you encounter an issue with a customer and aren't sure how to resolve it. (I've seen it ALL.)
- Sharing of resources, especially for anyone located outside the USA.
- And much, much, MUCH more!
BONUS #4: EXCLUSIVE CPA-for-Publishing Session
A full hour JAM-PACKED with questions and professional answers from a CPA intimately familiar with the self-publishing/independent publishing small business owners.
ONLY $997 $497
What Your Happy Classmates are Saying!

"I cannot tell you how much great info I’ve gotten from these classes, you saved me weeks of research and got me fired up. Thank you for doing what you do!"
Jeanne Goldie
"Kristen Joy is the real deal - she is The Book Ninja. In Kristen's Kindle in 30 Challenge, I learned more about all aspects of publishing on Kindle than I have from any other book publishing coach. Go for it!"
Carolyn White, PhD
"I've learned so much about self-publishing and getting my work out there without making the common beginner's mistakes!"
Kristal Smith
"Great advice for publishing and marketing as well. Thank you Kristen for the kick in the pants!!"
Mike Vrobel
Frequent Questions
What if I want to publish children's books or fiction...will this help me?
Yes! The methods for publishing are pretty much identical in all genres. Also, in the private forum you’ll be in amongst other authors of fiction, poetry, children’s books, and more, so you’ll have built-in support there, too. You’re bound to learn new tricks, tips, and avoid serious road blocks.
How will I access the training and bonuses?
After you purchase the Book Publishing Ninja you will receive a WELCOME ON BOARD email with all your access details, including exclusive access to the MEMBERS ONLY inspire-n-share group plus your MEMBERS ONLY page in the BRAND NEW Book Ninja Members site . ALL your bonus documents, training sessions and resource links will be available on your Members Only page!
What if I have questions about ordering this course or accessing my materials?
All access & update emails will come from [email protected] …so make SURE to whitelist (or add to your email contacts) our main email address so that you will get our emails!
If you have any questions please send an email to The Book Ninja Support Team here –> [email protected]
Refund Policy |
Due to the industry secrets Kristen is giving away in this course as well as the thousands of dollars worth of lawyer-reviewed contracts, there are no refunds available on this course.