Is book marketing confusing you?

Do all the marketing options make you cross-eyed?

Then it's about time you get access to an easy step-by-step system to ramp up your book sales without breaking your brain OR your wallet!

This high-value introductory and comprehensive book marketing training will give you every tool you need to create, implement and ACT on your effective book marketing plan in 3 easy-to-follow sessions.
Session 1: Low & No Cost Marketing Tactics
- Over 40 FREE ways to market your book.
- 15 highly effective, yet super cheap ways to market your book.
- A dozen MORE marketing methods to think about and grow into.
- And... more!
Session 2: Packaging, Celebrities & Reaching Thousands
- Packaging secrets for your book, your marketing tactics, your media kit, and more!
- How to become a social media celebrity.
- How to handle social media celebrity status (and not piss off your followers).
- Strategic social media marketing that works: where to hang out and what to do.
- How to sell dozens, then hundreds, then THOUSANDS of books!
- And more!
Session 3: Create Your Marketing Plan
- Done-with-you marketing plan workshop!
- First steps to build your marketing plan.
- Create your plan along with The Book Ninja... step-by-step!
- And... of course, more!
This program contains more than 4 hours of training! And look over my shoulder as
I create a step-by-step 3-month 12 MONTH comprehensive marketing plan, workshop style !
Ready? Get started now!
ONLY $127

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Get a SNEAK PEEK inside the Members Area!!
Members Area Preview Below

Just to recap...
Here's everything you get as soon as you register, inside your Member's Area!!
- Downloadable AND printable slides for every session. (At-a-glance reference you on-the-go!)
- Downloadable audio files of every session. (Play offline, anywhere you wish!)
- Two blank calendar handouts. (To make your plotting and planning easy.)
- Over a dozen quick-access links to resources. (More easily market your book!)
- And, of course, well over 4 hours of hands-on training. (From Kristen Joy, The Book Ninja herself!)
All Of This For ONLY $127

Frequently Asked Questions
All Authorpreneur Mastery trainings include downloadable audio files, downloadable PDFs of the slide presentations and fully recorded streaming training video segments. Some trainings also include additional downloadable handouts, worksheets, checklists and/or resources. Please refer to the sales copy above for all the details of what's in this particular course!
All trainings from The Book Ninja come with "lifetime access," meaning until the product becomes so outdated it's retired or the Zombie Apocalypse, whichever comes first. 😉 If for any reason we decide to "retire" a product, we will leave it up in your Members Area so you can have ongoing access to it, or notify you to download all the materials. Note: Videos are NOT downloadable unless we retire a product. In the case of the Zombies, well, we think you'll have more important things to worry about.
NONE of our trainings repeat content. If we have any of the same methods that appear in other trainings, we always teach them from a different perspective in a new way so it's always fresh and new. For example, we can only teach how to upload a book to CreateSpace one way, because there's ONLY one way to do that technique. However, in the upload process a lot can be learned about specific types of books, so every method is taught from the perspective of the course topic with wisdom nuggets and specific information about THAT topic.
Yes! All Authorpreneur Mastery Lifetime VIP members have access to ALL the previous AND future trainings in the Authorpreneur Mastery series. Watch your Members Area for new trainings to be automatically added as they are taught!
Not an AM Lifetime member? Click here to get access to ALL AM trainings (including all previous trainings) and save a lot of coin.
The only training programs included in the monthly My Book Mastermind membership outside of the weekly mastermind calls themselves are the Author's Quick Course series of trainings based off Kristen Joy's book series of the same title (Author's Quick Guide series).
If you do not have the Authorpreneur Lifetime VIP membership or haven't purchased this course separately, you don't have it yet. Check your Members Area as it will be listed there if you already have it.
Login to your Members Area at with the login and password that was emailed to you. If this product is listed in your Members Area under Authorpreneur Mastery Series, then you already have it, so dig in and get started!
If it's not listed in your Members Area, then grab it here before you forget. 🙂
After you enter your order and any discount that's applicable, your order confirmation will pop up. Please allow 10-15 minutes for your login details to be emailed to you. Be sure to watch the instructional video on the confirmation page so you can access your full training program as quickly as possible!
If you're an existing customer, simply login to your Members Area to get started!
Our policy is simple: If you're not sure if this product is for you, don't invest in it.
What's described on this page is more than enough information to make an informed decision about the product. Hundreds of your fellow classmates can attest to the fact that the product is easily accessible and exactly as described on this website. Therefore, our Guarantee is that if you follow ALL the instructions in the training within 30 days and can show us proof that what we teach doesn't work, we will give you a full refund. However, if you base your purchase decision on the safety net of a refund policy, you're already planning to fail, and we don't work with people who begin with anything less than complete success in their hearts.
In our dozen years' business experience, we've learned that most people who start out asking about a guarantee either have no intention of actually using the training and want an "out," know they don't have the money and are looking for a free handout, or they want to take the training and want to get it for free (or worse, rip it off and sell it to others after getting their money back).
If you have no intention of refunding and committing digital theft (per USA Federal law) and have issues with any of our products, we will do everything in our power to make sure you can use the materials and compensate you should we be at fault for any issues you may have.
Please also note that the following, according to PayPal and credit card companies, are NOT valid reasons for a refund: "I don't have the time," "I need the money," "It was good, but it's not for me," "It's too hard."
We have worked extremely hard to ensure ALL our products are exactly as described, easy to follow and implement, and delivered to your email Inbox in a timely manner. All our products come with lifetime access and include downloadable materials, and we track logins to ensure our customers can access what they purchased.
Our superb Ninja Support Team is available to assist you! Just email [email protected] so we can help.